The U.S. Spends More On Healthcare Than Other Wealthy Nations But Ranks Last In Outcomes

ForbesArthur L. KellermannOctober 24, 2023

Americans pay more for health care than any other people on Earth. In fact, medical debt is the leading cause of personal bankruptcy in the U.S. High healthcare costs hit every level of our economy, from the federal government on down. In addition to fueling the deficit and adding hundreds of billions to our national debt each year, the high cost of healthcare is crowding out other state budget priorities, undermining the competitiveness of American businesses and hurting American families. The Commonwealth Fund compares the performance of America’s health system to those of other high-income countries. Its most recent report, released in 2021, ranked the U.S. last among 11 nations in several categories, including access, efficiency, equity and health outcomes. Even worse, adult life expectancy in the U.S. has fallen below that of 56 countries on six continents, according to a 2023 analysis by Dr. Steven Woolf of Virginia Commonwealth University.

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